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Your day retreat with Isabella Bombik

Slow Down & Breathe

September 01, 2024


Summer brings with it a lot of lightness and, at the same time, leisure stress. Between work, holidays/daycare closures and countless plans, there's hardly any time for yourself. And then there's the guilty conscience when you simply take a break even though the sun is shining. But that's exactly what you need right now: time out just for you.

Why Slow Down & Breathe?

Imagine you could spend an entire Sunday just being there for yourself. No obligations, no stress - just peace and quiet, slowing down and taking a deep breath. This is exactly what awaits you in my Slow Down & Breathe Day Retreat. This special time-out is made for you if you:

  • Juggle a hectic and challenging everyday life.
  • Have little time for yourself.
  • Long for a moment of stillness and inner balance.
  • Simply want to switch off and recharge your batteries.

Your day at the retreat

We start the day with gentle SlowFlow Yoga, which helps you to let go of stress and tension. Together we breathe deeply, slow down and find our inner peace. A mindful walk through the beautiful natural surroundings will further ground us and relax our nervous system.

But that's not all: you'll have plenty of time and space for yourself. During your time out, you can do exactly what you feel like doing:

  • Jump into the refreshing lake.
  • Get on a stand-up paddleboard.
  • Enjoy the soothing warmth of the lake sauna.
  • Or simply lie in a hammock and read a good book.

Everything can, nothing has to. No dogma, no expectations. All that counts here is your well-being.

Be part of it!

Treat yourself to this break. Give yourself this day full of relaxation and recuperation.

I look forward to seeing you!

Isabella accompanies you on a short break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Program start at 09:00 am

Program ends at 17:30

The Slow Down & Breathe Day Retreat is open to anyone who would like to take a short break from everyday life. Whether you are experienced in yoga or trying it out for the first time - you are very welcome.


Healthy and extremely tasty catering

From a small morning snack to our healthy brunch buffet and afternoon snack

Water, tea & coffee included

Optional dinner can be booked for an additional charge


09:00 | Arrival with welcome tea and fruit

09:15 | SlowFlow Yoga & NeuroBreath
11:15 | Light refreshments
11:30 | Mindfulness Walk in Nature

13:00 | Brunch together - enjoy with all your senses
Break to relax, read, retreat. Optional visit to the Nature Spa.

16:00 | Somatic exercises for the nervous system| NeuroBreath|Guided meditation
17:00 | Tea, light snack and discussion

17:30| Departure or check-in to your room (if you are extending your time-out)

18:00 | Optional dinner together.


Isabellais an expert in stress resilience and mental health. She is a meditation & yoga teacher and certified NeuroEmbodiment Coach. Isabella combines neuroscience with Far Eastern psychology, mindfulness and a pinch of humor to bring about profound change. She has created NeuroBreath, a breathing practice that promotes healthy breathing and specifically regulates the autonomic nervous system.

Isabella worked for many years as a project manager in global corporations until she herself suffered a burnout 5 years ago. She is convinced that success should not come at the expense of our health and therefore accompanies people on their way to greater mental well-being and stronger resilience. You can find more information at:



Bistensee with bathing beach & jetty

Hiking & running trails through the Hüttener mountains

Hyggelige retreats



138 € per person



Would you like to extend your relaxation a little further? Then get the maximum relaxation out of your day retreat and extend it with an overnight stay in one of our hygge beds.

70 € in a single room
50 € per person in a double room


Book now